

  • Nomadic travel:

    it is a travel during which you stay in different cities (examples: visit Thailand, around the world or road trip in the USA.). You will then have to select the country or countries visited.
    If your stay is in only one city (examples: weekend in Paris or week in Majorca) then remove the option on the creation page of the trip and enter the city, your itinerary will be pre-filled.

  • Public travel:

    it's a travel that you have chosen to make public from the planning tool. It appears on our homepage, you can share it with your friends, family or social networks and integrate it on your blog. The booking confirmations registered in the tool are never visible to anyone other than you, like content of your bagage entered in the check-list lugagge tool. By default, prices, budget, accommodation names, photos and dates can be hidden from your profile in the "Public travel privacy" tab.


  • Creating and modifying a trip:

  • Adding a booking confirmation:

  • Add photos:

  • Change steps order (place, meal, journey or renting):

  • Search points of interest :

  • Create your luggage check-list :

  • The essentials :

  • Modify itinerary from the map :

  • Book your flights, trains, hotels, activities,... directly from the planner tool

Buttons caption

  • The buttons on the home page and in "My travels"

 : generate a PDF file of the itinerary

 : share a travel

 : share a public travel

 : copy a travel

 : delete a travel

  • The buttons of the travel planning tool


 : consultation of the travel without modification. This is the view to use to quickly have all the itinerary information before and during the trip.

 : consultation of the steps in photos. This view is useful for remembering your trip or for travel planners wishing to offer their customers a visual and detailed itinerary of their stay.

 : modification of the travel. This is where you can make any changes to your itinerary and add photos.

 : access to the map allowing you to locate each step of your itinerary.

 : access to the automatically calculated budget based on your entries.

Actions :

 : access action buttons

 : add an event (place, meal, journey or renting)

 : search for fligths, hotels, activities,points of interest

 : delete an event

 : access to a booking confirmation

 : add or modify a photo

 : consult information and photo

 : add or modify GPS coordinates

 : consult or modify notebook

 : add, modify ou follow link

 : search route

( ou if no data registered)

 : duplicate night element data

 : exchange the content of one day with the next

Tools :

 : search essentials of the country

 : travel sharing

 : view tools

 : choice of travel cover image

 : luggage checklist to forget anything

 : currency converter

 : statistics of the travel

 : itinerary integration on blog or site

 : itinerary import

 : itinerary export

 : modify countries or costs list

 : change privacy of the travel


  • How to share a travel?

    If your travel is public, you can share it on social networks using sharing button on the travel planning tool or by directly sharing the URL that appears in the browser's address bar when you consult it.
    If it is private and you want to share it with family, friends or clients, go to the "My travels" page and click on the arrow icon on the desired trip. You can then choose what information to share.
    The person will receive an email at the email address you entered and can access your tarvel using a secure link. He can also find this trip in his account in the "My travels - Travels in consultation following a sharing from their creator" section if he creates an account on tripkygo with this email address or if he already has one.

  • Can I get a glimpse of the vision of the travel that the person to whom I am sharing it will have?

    Simulate a share by filling in the information to share and enter your own email address. Disconnect from tripkygo then click on the secure link in the email you received. You thus have access to the vision that the person with whom you will share the travel will have.
    > The person will be able to edit the roadmap in PDF but only the creator of the trip can generate the travel diary with photos.

  • Can I change the information to share with someone?

    Yes, you just need to share this person again, specifying the new information to share. It will receive a new link and the old one will no longer work.

  • Can I remove travel sharing from someone?

    No, this feature is currently not available. If necessary, contact us and we will cancel the sharing.

  • Can I add multiple photos for an event?

    No, this feature is currently not available.

  • I am a travel planner, can I use tripkygo to plan my clients' itinerary?

    Of course ! Tripkygo is designed to be used by individuals and professionals.
    You can therefore create your client's itinerary on tripkygo and then, if you wish, share the trip with them by hiding the information you do not wish to communicate to them. They will be able to consult the itinerary at any time: before, during and after their trip.
    Consider creating a model itinerary and making it public so that it appears on the tripkygo homepage. You will gain visibility and be able to attract new customers since your information (website and social network accounts) entered on your profile will appear when users click on your username.

  • What happens to my data, photos and booking confirmations if I delete a travel or my account?

    If you delete a travel, we delete all data and documents (photos and booking confirmations) related to it.
    If you delete your account, all your trips are destroyed and therefore all their data and documents as well.

  • Why is my place not located on the map and does it not have a geolocation link on the consultation and photos views?

    To display a place on the map and assign it a geolocation link, you must have clicked on the place in the drop-down list that appears at the time of entry. It is this action that allows us to retrieve the GPS coordinates of the place thanks to the Geoapify API. If you don't find your place in the drop-down list, you can enter GPS coordinates manually by clicking button on the travel planning tool in modification view.

  • Why can't I find my place in the drop-down list when entering?

    Most places are listed there, try to vary the entry by changing the order of the words for accommodation in particular. For airports, enter his 3 caracters code, his name or his city (example : you will find Charles de gaulle Parisian airport by entering "CDG" or "Charles de Gaulle" or "Paris").

  • How to integrate tripkygo itinerary on a website/blog ?

    To integrate a public tripkygo itinerary on your website or blog you must:
    1) use the sharing button
    on the planner and choose icon . Or click on tools button and then on integration button
    2) chosse the default view to show on your website (itinerary, photos, budget ou map) based on the public travel privacy settings chosen in your profile.
    3) copy/paste the generated code in the page of your wbesite. If you use Wordpress, add an "HTML" block and paste the code inside.
    Your tripkygo frame is now integrated ! Sample of integrated itinerary in a blog post

    You can change the height of the tripkygo fram by modifying the value of "height" attribute in the generated code.
    For automatic adjustment according to the screen size, you must:
    1) add <div class="responsiveWrapperTripkygo"> before the generated code and </div> at the end of the code.
    2) add the folowing code in your css file:
    .responsiveWrapperTripkygo { position: relative; padding-bottom: 56.25%; /* 16:9 */ padding-top: 25px; height: 0; }
    .responsiveWrapperTripkygo iframe { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; }

    If you use Wordpress, you can use Simple Custom CSS plugin. Once activated, click on "Add your CSS" at extension level and paste the above CSS code into the window.
    Feel free to contact us if you have any integration issues.

  • Can i consult my itinerary offline or print it?

    To view your itinerary offline, you need to convert it to a PDF file. To do this, go to the "My travels" menu and click on the icon on the desired trip. You will be able to generate a PDF file of your itinerary in two formats: roadmap (easily printable) or travel diary (including photos). You will be able to consult your itinerary even without an internet connection.

  • Why must "Marketing" type cookies be authorized to display the tools for booking flights, accommodation, activities,...?

    The search tools used by tripkygo are provided by our partners (Kiwi, Booking, GetYourGuide and Discovercars). To display them, they need to place a cookie on your computer so that they can, in particular, pay a commission to tripkygo when you make a reservation after using our reservation tool.

    To authorize "Marketing" type cookies on the tripkygo website, please:
    - click on the icon at the bottom of right of your browser
    - accept "Marketing" type cookies
    - click on "Save" at the bottom of the window.
    - refresh the page in your browser
    Search tools will now be visible!

  • Can I import a Google Maps (or other) itinerary into tripkygo?

    Yes, it is possible to import cartographic data from a map created on another site into tripkygo.
    You must first export the data in KML or KMZ format to the site or application where you created your map. For Google Maps, follow the instructions in the "Download map information" section on this link.
    Once the file in .kml or .kmz format is downloaded, access the tools on the route where you want to import then click on the import tool
    The locations are imported, all you have to do is select the day and the location to add them to your tripkygo itinerary.

  • Can we export a tripkygo itinerary to open it on another site or another application

    Yes, it is possible to export a tripkygo route in KML or KMZ format by accessing the planner tools then clicking on the export button Choose the desired format (KML or KMZ) and the elements to export.
    You instantly obtain the export file that you can then import to other sites or mapping applications (Google Maps,,...).